
Chautauqua “Reinventing America Festival” rescheduled for September 3 – 12, 2021

With the arrival of Covid-19 vaccines, Chautauqua is rescheduled the History Comes Alive Festival “Reinventing America” for September 3 – 12 2021. Specific performance locations and times will be posted in April. Virtual programming will continue through the end of August.

The Festival will have outdoor performances at night and at mid-morning during the day. There will also be some additional virtual events. All of our incredible performers have agreed to return. So yes, you will be able to meet and ask questions of Ben Franklin, Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla, Hedy Lamarr and Rosa Parks. Exactly when and where is being negotiated.

Little did we know when Chautauqua chose the theme of Reinventing America, that at this time we would be literally holed up in our homes or valiantly battling an invisible foe in our hospitals. We have had our lives turned upside down. Yet we are coming up with amazing ways to cope with this disaster. This is what Americans do. We improvise, adapt, adjust, find ways to live through. We reinvent ourselves. As the Covid-19 virus challenges our American ingenuity and perseverance, more then ever we will need Ben Franklin’s “science and reason,” Thomas Edison’s “perspiration,” Nikola Tesla’s “inspiration,” Hedy Lamarr’s “ceiling crashing,” and Rosa Parks’s “grit.” And come this September at the History Comes Alive Festival, we’ll have our own stories of Reinventing America to share.


  1. Reply
    Brett McLaughlin says:

    I am editor of Upstate Lake Living magazine based in Seneca, SC. I had hoped to feature your festival in my summer edition (We are quarterly.) last year but … well, you know. I’m excited about the fact that it may happen this year and would love to do a feature for my issue coming out on June 1. The timing would be perfect. Can you please include me on your email posts so that I can keep abreast of new developments. Also, if there is a specific person I should be in contact with?
    Thanks in advance
    Brett McLaughlin, editor
    Upstate Lake Living

    • Reply
      Caroline McIntyre says:

      Sorry I just saw this post. Yes, the Festival is a definite September 3 – 12 and we would love to be a part of your magazine. Let me know what you need from us. I can be contacted at caroline@HistoryComesAlive.org or call be at 864-244-1499 or 864-360-7500.

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