Event details
- Friday | December 17, 2021 to Monday | January 10, 2022
- 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
- Virtual event on Zoom see link below
- 864-244-1499
| Cost: Free
Miracle Mongers and Their Methods – the American Medicine Show presented by Larry Bounds
Experience an historic recreation of a medicine show pitchman’s act selling Dr. Tom B. Stone’s Miracle Elixir – “Good for all that ails you!” And with Larry Bounds, you know it’s going to be magical!
Discover the story of America’s early commercialization of pharmaceuticals and the repercussions it had on the American people. Touring medicine shows brought entertainment and the hope of better health to the multitudes, but at what cost? Millions of dollars were made, and the side effects are still evident in American life today. Sound familiar??
By the way, you will be able to catch Larry onstage as Houdini at the 2022 Chautauqua Festival scheduled for June 10 – 19, 2022.
Larry Bounds
Larry Bounds has performed on the Chautauqua stage since 2002. Over the years he has portrayed Einstein, Churchill, Disney, Houdini, Crockett, Von Braun, Cronkite, and Andrew Jackson to numerous Chautauqua audiences nationwide.
Larry holds a bachelor’s degree in theatre and a master’s in education from The University of Tennessee, and he is a National Board Certified educator. For 35 years he taught public high school. He was awarded his school’s Teacher of the Year in 2003 and was recognized as one of the Upstate’s Most Influential Educators by Parent Magazine in 2018.
He has performed as a professional magician since 1973, including 8 years entertaining with Ripley’s Believe It or Not! The International Brotherhood of Magicians admitted him to the Order of Merlin in 2009. Larry is also an active member of Mensa, the International Churchill Society, and the South Carolina Treasure and Artifact Association.