We still have funds to raise before we can “raise the tent!” Your contribution in any amount will help us put on the show. Your donations will ensure the Chautauqua History Comes Alive Festival will return next year.

Help Keep History Alive

Greenville Chautauqua is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization founded in 1999, and incorporated in 2003, Tax ID number is 26-0058066.

$1000 Angel   |  $500 Tent Raiser  |  $250 Stage Builder  |  $100 Supporter   |  $50 Friend   |  __ Other

Donate by Mail

You may make a donation by check and mail it to:

Greenville Chautauqua, PO Box 9571, Greenville, SC 29604

Donate Online


IRA Charitable Rollover Gift

If you are 70 1/2 or older, you can use your individual retirement account (IRA) to support Chautauqua. Making an IRA Charitable Rollover Gift to us may lower the income and taxes from your IRA required minimum distributions.

Potential benefits to you:

• Avoid taxes on transfers up to $100,000 from your IRA to support Chautauqua.

• Satisfy some or all of your Required Minimum Distribution for the year.

• Reduce your taxable income even if you do not itemize deductions.

• Make a gift that is not subject to the deduction limits of charitable gifts.

Please check with your tax advisor for the most current rulings.

Ask Your Employer to Match a Gift

Many Corporate Donors will match employee and retiree donations. To find out if your company offers a similar program, check with your Human Resources Department.

Donor Privacy Policy

Greenville Chautauqua does NOT sell or share its donor and/or mailing lists with anyone.

All information concerning donors or prospective donors, including their names, the names of their beneficiaries, the exact amount of the gift, size of the estate, or any other information for which there is a reasonable expectation of privacy and/or confidentiality is kept strictly confidential by Greenville Chautauqua, unless written permission is obtained from the donor to release such information.

Donor names and donation level are printed in programs and other published lists.  Donors who wish to remain anonymous must state so at the time of the gift. Completion of the donation remittance envelope or mention of name on any correspondence accompanying the donation is deemed written permission to be included in published lists of donors and donation level.

Donors are welcome to request and receive a complete copy of their records. Only authorized Greenville Chautauqua board and staff are permitted to view donor files. Donor files remain onsite at the offices of Greenville Chautauqua.

Donor Bill of Rights